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New LDM, The Towing Magazine n°100

On 13/12/2024

In News

Dear readers, we are proud to announce the release of the new LDM, The Towing Magazine #100.
Available now in digital from the website:

Print magazines will arrive in subscribers' mailboxes within the next days (max 12/30/2024).
Note that subscribers to the print version (HD) have free access to the current digital magazine, as well as all previous digital magazines.

A free extract of a few pages is available for free on all magazines for the non subscribers. 


12 Pages of News4 Pages Legal: France 2.87 % Towing & Servicing highway rates Increase  – 14 Pages Factory Tour: Global Towing Systems  – 10 Pages: 2024 Dutch Tow Show  - 2 Pages Right of Reply: The Fédération Nationale de l’Automobile – 2 Pages: Readers Corner – and recurring sections: Towing Businesses DirectoryListings by SOS Truck For Sale – Advertisers Directory

Don't miss the bonus photos & videos inside of the digital magazine. 

Thank you for your trust !

Team LDM

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